Make A True Lifestyle Change & Reach Your Goals


I'm thrilled with my results, though small for some - they are big for me!  I've carried 3 kiddos, and I'm smaller now than before I had kids!

My weight/fitness has been up and down a lot over the past 8 childbearing years, but generally when I set my mind to losing weight I was successful. However it would never stay off. Over the past 2 years I really have been unable to stick to anything. Whether that be an exercise routine, or clean eating habits. My body liked to sit happily at a certain weight that's about 5-10lbs more than where I wanted it to be - and those of you that are close to your goal know how hard it gets to reach those last few pounds! I knew I needed some help in the form of direction & accountability. Enter Steph!

We began the 6 week nutrition program with me simply sending food logs to Steph every day, and her critiquing them. So using the foods my family and me were already eating - and tweaking them into a balanced meal. No bun here, add protein there, skip that, add this. I did not want a strict meal plan, guidelines or recipes - I needed it to be easy and that was not a problem at all for Steph.  The plan was to lose the unwanted weight (I'm almost at my goal!), and now I'm moving onto toning and maintaining! In the end I lost 5lbs in 6 weeks, which is a big deal for me!

I was never hungry (aside from busting some cheese & chocolate cravings in the first week!), I have more energy, my clothes fit me better, and I feel great. All from nutrition!  I know how to create a truly balanced meal, and I learned a boat load about portion control (read the serving size on the side of the box whaaaa?!). Right from the beginning exercise was optional and I'm not going to lie... I didn't exercise much! They say it's 90% food, 10% exercise right? This just goes to show that's a VERY true statement!  Thrilled with my results, and planning to keep chugging right along! Thanks Steph!

Kahley, Age 32


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Stop The Roller Coaster - Learn To Lose Weight & Maintain It