Lose Weight After Pregnancy & Get Your Body Back


All my life I had a thin frame and could eat pretty much whatever I wanted until my second year of university. With all the fun times, drinks and late night eating I started to slowly put on weight until I had gained 30 lbs. by the time I was done university. I tried a few different diets, and bought a couple gym memberships but nothing seemed to give me lasting results. At 26 I became pregnant with my first child and gained 45 lbs. I knew after the pregnancy I needed to do something drastic to feel healthier and better about myself. I wanted to be able to run around and play with my daughter with ease, not an exhaustive effort.

A couple of my friends had referred me to Stephanie, and when my daughter Ella was one month I decided to contact her. This was the best decision I have ever made for my health. All of the changes that Stephanie made to my diet were all "common sense" but what made it work for me was knowing she would be holding me accountable for everything I was putting in my mouth. Once I started writing down everything I was eating/drinking and I knew I had to send it to her at the end of the day to critique... I became conscious of the bad choices I was making. When I did slip, Stephanie was always supportive and encouraging.

Since giving birth to my daughter, I have lost a total of 58 pounds! I still have 20 lbs. to go until I reach my weight loss goal, but I have the tools to get there thanks to this amazing program. I would recommend this program to anyone that is looking for a lifestyle change; not a quick fix but lasting amazing results for the rest of your life!

Emily, Age 27


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