Improve Your Health & Reduce Your Risk Of Disease

Since I quit smoking 15 years ago, I had gained over 50 lbs., had little energy after putting in a full day’s work and realized if I don’t change my current lifestyle, I was putting myself at risk for heart disease and possibly other health problems.  I was also at the point where I was going to have to shop for clothes another size up – yikes!  

My daughter recommended Steph so I went online to see and read all the wonderful transformation stories.  I know first hand that as you age, it is so much harder to keep the weight off.  I was lucky in my younger years that I never had a weight problem but since I turned 35, I have gained approx. 3.5 lbs. every year – doesn’t seem like much but multiply that by 17. 

After 12 weeks with Steph and 22 lbs. lighter, I feel so much better; increased energy, improved health and down 2 dress sizes.  Steph’s experience and advice were invaluable. She helped me celebrate my successes and kept me focused on my goal. She didn’t let me beat myself up when I had a slip up and having the daily contact by email was so convenient as I lead a busy life.

Steph’s program taught me how to choose the right foods, understand proper portions and food combinations and realize we need enough nutrients and calories to keep our metabolism up!   I have not skipped breakfast since I started Steph’s program and especially enjoy the “Banana Pancakes”.  Steph also gave great advice about choosing foods when eating out and adding exercise into my busy lifestyle.

I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to spend the last 12 weeks losing a part of me so I could gain a better understanding that eating properly can be enjoyable and fulfilling.  The bonus is hearing your family and friends say “You look great”, and I owe all of these positive changes to Steph.  

My goal is to lose a total of 50 lbs. I'm planning on continuing this lifestyle and hopefully in another 12 weeks I will have reached my goal!

Thank you Steph for your support and positive energy and for helping me on this journey.

Heather, Age 52


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