Eat Right To Manage Your Autoimmune Disease & To Improve Your Overall Health

So here's my story...of sorts 

The past 8 years has been a VERY long journey of disasters and trauma followed by difficult but necessary, now beautiful lessons. Along with those disasters came extreme stress coupled with PTSD which sent me into an autoimmune disease (ughhh) turning my health upside down and subsequently made me gain 40 lbs. (sigh)… Just what a now middle age lady needs right? Like it's not already hard enough for us... baby weight, acne PLUS wrinkles, all while trying to "love ourselves"... (wtf?) Its a hard road lol 

Over the past year I have been able to slowly get my health back on track losing 30 lbs on my own then plateauing... it wasn't until a friend mentioned that he was thinking of seeing a nutritionist (Steph) that I was like "hey that's totally what I need!" And since I'm a competitive person I thought "now's my chance to break out of this plateau!" and have a buddy to hold me accountable. 

We reached out to Steph and she sent a 12 page assessment in return geared specifically to moi! Obviously at first I was like "wow! That's great!" Then I was like "hmm wait... I wonder how many pages my friends was... if it's only 5 then I've got problems!" .... none the less Steph was to the rescue!! 

After 7 weeks I'm out of my plateau totally, down 9 lbs (losing an average of 1 lb a week) and minus 7 inches all over. 

Everything she gave me to do was 100% easy and attainable as well as long lasting even after the challenge is complete. For someone who doesn't enjoy cooking and food is merely for survival I tend to just not eat. This totally changed my habits and even though my eating was already for the most part pretty good, it's just so nice to have someone outside of your routine to give you fresh advice. Steph was my game changer! I was already super thankful for my friend (the one with the great idea to get our summer bods) but now I'm even more thankful because he set me on the path towards Steph and she has in turn given me endless support and encouragement and added new lessons on my path that's finally turning into a great one!  Through every struggle is a great come back. Thank you Steph for participating in mine. (Nameless friend as well). Love and Light.

Kate, Age 38


Lose Weight & Keep It Off For Good


Eat Well - Take Control Of Your Health