Change Your Mindset & Reach Your Goals


For my milestone 40th birthday year, I was expecting my second baby. During my pregnancy I didn’t have the mindset that I was eating for two but I was definitely giving myself some forgiveness when indulging in mint smoothies or anything chocolate. Knowing that as we age, and having a baby a bit later in life, it can be more challenging to keep ourselves on a road to health and wellness, I felt I should seek guidance in order to get on track once baby arrived.

With my two pregnancies I gained around 35 pounds, kept very active but again, my nutrition could have been better. I felt that I should try to get my nutrition under control so once baby arrived, I had a better foundation as to what to eat working around a newborn’s schedule. I contacted Steph and I was set up with a plan.

During my online time with Steph, I learned how to balance out my day in a much better way. If I was using trail mix as a “snack” to make sure it was a snack and not a meal. As well, if trail mix was on the menu to steer away from nut butters again that day as in the end, calories add up with those healthy fats. I experimented with different foods and recipes. Steph gave me a list of healthy snack options (which is what I needed once the baby arrived). She was also a text message away if I needed guidance. This was especially if we were on the road and stopping at Tim Horton’s etc. Steph was there to offer better suggestions.

At the end of my time with Steph, I lost around 10ish pounds and had about 10 more to go. However, I was 3 months post baby so my body definitely needed its own time to shed some weight on its own. I am now 1 year post baby, down a few pounds to what I was before baby, working out regularly, and for the most part, maintaining the healthful eating mindset. Steph was the kick-start that I needed!

Carey - Age 41, mom of 2


Losing Weight Can Be Easy


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