Lose Weight The Healthy Way

I want to start off by saying there is no magic pill, protein shake, or workout regime that is going to give you any long-term results. The most crucial part of taking the weight off is diet. You have probably heard that before, so let me say it again - DIET IS KEY. I have been on so many diets in my life from no/low-carb, to having meals delivered to my door. Of course they are strict and if you stick to them they all work, but they’re very hard to sustain. Steph’s plan is nothing like any of these. It literally is a lifestyle. I realized that because I have been yo-yoing all my life and have allowed myself to gain and lose massive amounts of weight, I have to be careful with what I eat most of the time. I have to think about what goes into my body and I have to exercise regularly to reach my goals and just as importantly, maintain the lifestyle when I do. The best part is that I didn’t even have to give up pizza or chocolate!! If you’ve ever been referred to a traditional nutritionist, you were probably handed a Canadian Food Guide and sent on your way. Steph doesn’t work that way. She is there for you every step of the way.

After having my baby, I was having an extremely hard time focusing on losing the pregnancy weight. I started looking at pre pregnancy photos and getting sad that I didn’t look the way I used to. Steph knew I was frustrated and immediately took me under her wing. She helps me tweak my eating habits to more nutritious options. I don’t have to count calories and there’s virtually no measuring. She motivates me every day to keep going. Her advice on the foods I should and shouldn’t be consuming is very helpful and I’m learning so much about food as I go. I was painfully surprised how horrible my diet was when I started recording what I consume and was given a dose of reality.


I have been on this journey since January, but allowing school and life in general get in the way, I wasn’t always sticking to my plan. Because I’m going at my own pace, I have been consistently losing or maintaining, so I know the weight that has come off is going to stay off. I have lost 23 lbs. and approximately 18”. These are permanent results! I am extremely happy with the way Steph has guided me and inspired me. Losing weight is a process and a learning curve. There’s no quick fix that lasts. This is something that if you really want it, you have to work at it and focus. I’m still on my weight loss journey and I know that I will reach my goals. I also know that Steph will be here to help me every step of    the way :) I can promise you this…you won’t be disappointed if you work with Steph!

Brigid, Age 34


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