Improve Your Cardiovascular Health Through Nutrition & Exercise


I have been a volunteer Fire Fighter for nearly 9 years and I was in the process of trying out for the Water Rescue team. I thought I was in ok shape and that I ate well, until one day I was running to the fire hall for a call and I had to stop and catch my breath before putting my bunker gear on. I knew then that I needed to get into better shape.

 I was very hesitant to call Steph and ask for help, because I figured there wouldn’t be any support or that I would be made to feel inadequate. I am a purchasing manager for a very large company and sit at a desk most of the day, so physical activity was Nil.  Steph took the time to find out who I was, what my eating habits were, and what my goals were. She then helped design a menu around my likes and dislikes that was easy as I have a very busy schedule (life, kids, sports). We then designed a workout routine in order to meet my goals that would fit into my very busy life.

Steph is great at giving you encouragement when you need it and the “how did you enjoy that” when you strayed away from your plan and she would encourage me to stay on track.  It helped having to be accountable to someone for everything I ate. If I had any questions Steph was available and would have the answer or find out the answer for me very quickly. Even when we were finished with our sessions, Steph would send a text to find out how things were going. I have learned how to shop, meal plan for the week as well as eat balanced meals, and snacks to provide my body with what it needs to live a healthy life. 

I now currently go to the gym everyday for between 2 – 2.5hrs working on everything from weight training, cardio, and flexibility. My family (wife, kids) have even started to join me with the healthy eating and the gym.  I would highly recommend Steph if you’re looking to learn healthy eating, get back in shape, or if you just need someone to help motivate you.

I have lost over 30lbs and I feel great! Thanks Steph!!!

Glen, Age 43


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