Improve Digestion & Increase Energy Through Nutrition


My eating habits have never been good. But it never bothered me.

In fact, for a long time I was one of those annoying people who could eat whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without gaining any weight…and being six feet tall, even if I did, I figured no one would ever notice. So I never worried about my weight. I never owned a scale, and was only ever weighed at the doctor's office when I had a physical. My weight wouldn't fluctuate even a pound in one year.

But it wasn't really my weight that brought me to Stephanie Metzger; it was my health. I have always felt low energy, particularly in the morning. There were times when I would be driving the short ten minutes to work and I'd have to wonder if I would make it without pulling over for a nap. I felt bloated and had a variety of minor digestive issues over the years. I'd have mystery aches and pains and irritations that my doctor couldn't really explain. On top of all that, I have a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family. My Dad had his first of three heart attacks at 46…I will be 44 this month. It was, quite simply, time.

I met Stephanie at a wellness retreat that I signed up for only because I knew my Mom would like it. It included a half hour nutritional consult with Stephanie, from Thrive Health and Wellness. Before the half hour was up, I was confident Stephanie could help me. She offered practical suggestions and alternatives for things I enjoyed eating that were causing me problems. She was enthusiastic about her lifestyle and her enthusiasm made me believe I could change.

I bought a scale for the first time and realized I was 12 pounds heavier than what I considered to be my "normal" weight…which was probably already 10 pounds more than it should be. Stephanie taught me to really think about food; a concept, which completely flummoxed me at times. It's second nature to me now that I've had Stephanie's guidance for the last 8 weeks.

After a week of mindful eating, I noticed that the bloating was gone. Soon, I realized I'm no longer exhausted at 10am or even 2pm! Eventually I noticed the scale start to reflect my new lifestyle. To date I have dropped 20 lbs. I feel more energized and confident, and I no longer mindlessly grab two donuts in one day off the staffroom table, or devour an entire bag of chips in front of the TV. Foods I thought I couldn't do without no longer find their way into my pantry, and I'm trying new foods all the time. Stephanie was always just a text away to offer support and solutions.

If you're thinking about changing your relationship with food, stop thinking and call Stephanie today. Anyone who has ever met me will tell you that if I can do it, anyone can!

Tara, Age 43


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