Happy & Healthy!

I reached out to Steph in search for some one on one coaching. I needed to get back to the real "me" I had lost sight of amongst a busy career and family life. 

Based on our initial phone conversation and a thorough assessment, she set me up with a lifestyle program based on a holistic approach to weight loss. I needed the accountability of a daily check in and a cheering squad to keep me on track. She provided weekly menus, great Pinterest inspiration for meals, snacks and tips for weight loss and some wonderful home workouts that my whole family enjoyed!

When you read success stories about weight loss, many mention a total lifestyle change. I was beyond scared to make a full lifestyle change, give up what I loved (wine and bread) and be able to stay on track! Turns out, a lifestyle change also means changing the way you look at food and how it makes you feel. I had battled tummy troubles most of my adult life, having had my gallbladder removed a few years ago to add to the list if issues I was experiencing. After just 3 weeks of a steady clean diet, removing almost all dairy, replacing all fats with healthy fats and reducing my sugar and heavy carbs my stomach finally settled and I felt I could push on to lose the weight.

After the first 7 days, the pounds started to drop and I looked forward to the weekly Friday weigh ins!

Steph guided me on a 6 week journey to overhaul my diet, change my outlook on food and ultimately change the way my family ate without sacrificing the foods we all loved.

In total I've lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks! I feel incredible, I'm sleeping better, my joints move with ease and I'm loving my wardrobe again! I have a long journey ahead of me, but I feel like I have the tools in place to keep me on track.

Turns out, you can still have wine and healthy carbohydrates during the week and still lose the weight!

Thank you Steph for a program that works... if I can do it with a busy work schedule and family life, anyone can!

Stacey, Age 41


Down 50 Pounds & Improved Overall Health


How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain